Diabetes is a disorder in the body metabolism due to which the insulin, which is a hormone formed by the pancreas is not created at all or is created but does not work the way it should. Ideally insulin is responsible for conversion of the carbohydrates, starches and other food nutrients of the body into the energy. When the glucose does not get absorbed into the cells the way it should be then there is accumulation of excess sugar in the blood. There are various types of diabetes: Type 1 which is also called the juvenile diabetes. This type of diabetes needs to be given insulin injection before taking food as the body cannot form the insulin. Type 2 is caused in most of the adults and the main reason is the excessive weight. Another type of diabetes is there which is mostly temporary in pregnant women and is called gestational diabetes. A properly planned diet is very important for the diabetic patients. As most of the people in India are Hindi speaking and they understand any information better in Hindi there are diabetes diet chart in Hindi in various health magazines and TV channels.
A diabetic diet does not necessarily mean that it should be free from sugar content. It should be a balanced diet which must have all the essential nutrients required for the body. The main aim of the diabetes diet chart in Hindi is to provide the diet plan which will be helpful in keeping the blood glucose level at par. Every person has a different nutritional requirement so the diet plan will also differ from person to person. One must keep these following points while planning the diet for diabetic patients.
1. Inclusion of lots of green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits
2. Include the whole grain foods
3. Avoid red meat and include lean meat such as beef and port
4. Include lentils and dried beans in your daily diet
5. Eat non-fat dairy products such as fat-free milk, curd etc
6. Avoid the intake of oily and fatty food
7. Avoid taking cakes, cookies, chips, ice-creams etc.
One can get the Diabetes diet chart in Hindi on various health portals. Some sites provide the diet plans for the various types of diabetes separately. One can get the details of various fruits and vegetables which are useful in controlling and preventing diabetes.
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